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What will the New Year bring?

I don't know what the next few years are going to bring.  I have no clue.  I just feel like there is so much panic out there right now.  People are worried about money, jobs, healthcare, the price of eggs (lol).

If anyone tells you they know what the next few years are going to bring, they are lying.  Lord knows, we have had enough lying lately.  The fact is that no one knows, did we know in 2019, that we were going to be stuck in our houses for most of the next 2 years, no, not one person knew that.  All we can really do is get ready.  What does that even look like?

I don't know, but I feel like more than ever know it's important squeeze your pennies.  I decided to come back to blogging to help with that, I just feel a pull provide information that can help.  There is so much panic out there, and maybe if we focus on the things we can control we can stop some of that anxiety and stress that panic is causing.

Every week, I am gonna talk about saving money, from shopping second hand to reducing your monthly bills.  I am always learning and explore new ways where I can save money, so in some cases, we are gonna learn together.  I'm gonna share tips, things that have worked for me, and even recipes.  

Please feel free to send me ideas, questions, thoughts, and we can learn together.  Because, whatever is coming we are all going to be in together!




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