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Your First Holiday Post Engagement...Questions, Questions, Questions...

Aren't the holidays great.  They are filled with old friends and family, just spending time together catching up.  This time of year is especially exciting for the newly engaged.  It is a time to spread the word, and answer questions.  So many questions.

How did it happen?

Where did it happen?

Let me see the ring!?!

When is the BIG day?

Will it be a big wedding?

Answer the questions, tell them over and over about the engagement, show them the video if there is one.  Enjoy it.  Be honest about your wedding plans, if you don't have any, tell them that you are just getting started with the planning and haven't ironed out all the details.  If you are having a small wedding and some of them will not be invited, this is a great time to set the expectation, that the guest list might be small.

I would suggest if you are not inviting extended family or old friends that you will run into over the holidays to not send out your Save the Dates cards out until after the first of the year.

Get ready.  After the questions comes the advice.  Those of us who are married love to talk to engaged couples and tell them all about our fabulous weddings.  Today I was thinking about that and I think the reason why is that we like to relive that wonderful time in our lives where we had no idea what we were doing, and we didn't care we just wanted to have a perfect day.

Listen politely to the advice and laugh 90% of it off it, but maybe there is some gold in 10% of it.

This is also a no pressure time to talk to that 2nd cousin, who is also a photographer about them have any interest in helping a cousin out.  Pay a professional and let them enjoy the wedding.

Listen to people's plans, I'm not one for pushing your wedding day because your Aunt and Uncle are going to Hawaii but if it's important for you to have them there, take note of the dates.  Also, make sure that you take note of anyone that might have moved, and make sure to get their updated information.

Do not commit to anything.  Sure it sounds like a good idea to plan a bridal show and night out with your cousins in June, but do not commit to a date, it's easy to say "I'll text closer to the the day so we can make plans" - same goes for Grandma's wedding dress.

Also, one last thing, get your nails done so that show off that beautiful ring!

Happy Thanksgiving!



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