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Great Holiday Movies and Where to Watch Them

 Since it's we are all about to be on Christmas break, with no where to go or to be, I thought that I would share with you my favorite Holiday movies and where you can watch them!

1.  National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  This is my all time favorite Christmas movie.  If you have AMC you can watch it on demand, or it is available for purchase through Amazon.  We bought a copy a few years ago, because I could not go with out it, or watch it on network TV.

2.  White Christmas.  This is where Bing Crosby tap dances with Danny 'Fucking" Kaye.  It is on Netflix, and it also has George Clooney's Aunt in it!

3.  A Christmas Story.  This movie reminds me of my Grandma, she would howl with laughter at the Chinese restaurant scene.  You can find in on demand through TNT.

4.  Bridget Jones Diary.  Yes it is a Christmas Movie!  You can find on Hulu or Starz!

5.  Holidate.  This is a new one this year, and I love it.  On Netflix.

6.  How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  On Netflix.  I usually do not like alot of Jim Carrey, but for some reason I love this movie.  Maybe because of Cindy (or Cyndi) Lou-Who?

7.  The Christmas Ornament.  The only Hallmark movie to make the list.  It's sad and sweet.  Swoon...

That should get you started.  Any suggestions on ones I should add?



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