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Ethical Consumption


This is such a hot button issue.  Social media is buzzing about this company did this, and this company did that, and how do you even know where to start with researching these companies and aligning the companies that get your hard earned dollar with their morals.

What is Ethical Consumption?

Let's start with the basic.  This is such a buzz word.  The basic idea is that if you don't agree with a companies position on policies that they use with their workforce, you will choose to no longer do business with them.  Essentially, they no longer get your dollar.  You will choose to spend your money with policies that follow your core values.

How to research a company.

A simple internet search will tell you want you want to know.  A search like DEI (insert company name here) or (company name here) political donations.  If this is important to you start with the stores that you have access to and you frequent the most.

Why this is hard.

I grew up in a small town.  It has never had more than 3 groceries stores, all local chains or family owned, and it only has 2 today.  It does have I think either 4 or 5 dollar stores (we will talk more about dollar stores in upcoming blog) which is crazy.  There are some convenience stores and gas stations, but you cannot grocery shop there long term.  This town is in a 20 minutes drive of larger towns, with more national chains.  Not everyone, has access to get to these larger towns, for any number of reasons including transportation, work schedules, etc.  My point is that sometimes you don't have a choice.

Another reason is budget.  Maybe that store has higher prices?  Maybe you are having a hard enough time stretching your dollar and adding $10, $20 is just no feasible.

There are many reasons that you shop at the store that you do.  Maybe you like that store, it has good produce, and for you and your needs it's one stop shopping and that fits with your budget and time schedule.

Why it is important.

We all want to put our trust into the companies that we frequent.  We want to think that they hold the same values.  We are learning that is not true.  Prices are terrible, and only going up, so it's even more important that we are spending our money wisely, and we feel some joy in know we are supporting a company that is doing some good in the world or for their employees.

Why it may not matter.

 As we know, the only thing that speaks to these companies is the dollar.  But, strangely they don't seem to care as much about their customers.  If changing a policy saves them operating costs it may not matter than they have lost several thousand customers over that policy.  The flip side is always that there is a flip side.  They lose a customer for a policy, they will likely gain a customer over that same policy.  That's just the truth.

Do what makes sense for you.

At the end of they day we are at time in history, where we need to focus on taking care of the ourselves and our families.  We need to do right with our money and our time.  If you would really like to still shop at a store that you don't 100% agree with do something to balance it out.  Volunteer your time to work with a cause that you support, go to a local city planning meeting, something that makes you feel like you are making a difference.  Remember you are in charge of you and your family, you are responsible for those decisions, not some stranger on the internet.


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